Sunday, March 16, 2008
State Qualifiers
At the MSHAA District Tournament on Friday and Saturday, the Speech and Debate Team swept up. The team's one act play and reader's theater, both took first place and numerous others qualified in individual events. On the debate side Liberty had teams qualify in every event, far more than any other school.
St. Patrick's Day Spirit
Four Leaf Clovers and Pots of Gold are just around the corner with St. Patrick's Day Coming up on Monday the 17th of March. We may not be in school, but everyone should still wear their green and keep the spirit alive. The Parade will start tomorrow at eleven and the festivities will continue all day tomorrow. Even if if this is your first time celebrating St. Patricks Day it's all right: on St. Patty's Day everyone is Irish.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
National Qualifiers
Last weekend The Liberty Debate Team qualified eight competitors to the national tournament in Las Vegas. This weekend it is the Forensics Team's turn. Competitors in individual events will have the opportunity to compete in one of the biggest district tournaments in the nation to see if they ahve what it takes. Last year Liberty qualified sixteen competitors, the most it has ever qualified, but they hope to break that record this year. Keep the Bluejay Forensicators in the back of your mind this weekend, and wish them the best of luck.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Liberty Divided
Katie Brewer's editiorial certainly did create a commotion, but I support what she wrote. I have talked about a declining sense of spirit in the high school, and I think the polarization of groups is contributing to this epidemic. Within a larger context what Katie wrote is incredibly important. The latest performance of the Sapphires is just the most recent in a string of events that polarizes the community and the school. I remember the days when everyone attended spirit week assemblies, but now that is different. When the school loses respect for itself and when halftime shows aren't entirely family friendly, who can blame the student body and community at large for losing interest? I write this blog not to pick on any one or any single program. The Sapphires are incredibly talented and our athletes are awesome, but I think we need to reconsider the image we want as a school. Liberty has been a single community for a long time, in large part becasue of the high school. Lets not ruin that.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
A Spring in Our Step
It almost felt warm yesterday, but tomorrow we will probably have another snow day, so who knows? Regardless of whether it feels like spring, spring sports and activities are defninitely in the air. The track is full. Baseball bats are swinging. Soccer legs are kicking. Tennis rackets are whacking. Debaters are debating. And yes the wrestlers can finally eat. It is a fun time for the high school so I would urge everyone to take advantage of the coming spring and root your hardest for the bluejays. Wish the deabte team luck as they try to qualifiy to nationals this weekend . Think of the runners braving the last bits of winter. And most importantly watch out for real bluejays returing after a long winter.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Mural Competition
Attention All Students: The senior class is interested in the possibility of comissioning a mural for the 2008 senior class gift, but we need a design. This is where you all come in. We would like to invite any memebr of student body or faculty to submit a design that he or she would like to see in the atrium of the school. Our theme is one that centers on the continuing sense of spirit within the Liberty community. This mural will be big so think big. We would like to see any designs include a bluejay, but not the athletic mascot bluejay. Think spirit. Think Pride. Last year's senior gift was pretty cool so we would like to top it. Help us do that and consider submitting a design. Please submit your design to me by March 30th. I know a lot of people don't think about the senior class gift, but this could be a great way to improve our school. Ihope you are all excited and happy drawing.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Courtwarming Conundrum
I am not sure if it was a bad weekend, if we are just too big, or if we just don't have any spirit. Whatever the case may be it felt like courtwarming week 2008 was missing the usual umph that it carries to lift us out of the mid winter doldrums. I hope that Liberty Spirit isn't actually on the decline but I am skeptical for next year. As we continue to grow I can only imagine what will happen and our spirit crisis could become even worse as the school distirct splits into a new highschool. So alas I don't have all the answers but I ask all true fans out there to say it with me... WE ARE THE BLUEJAYS CAW CAW! Ahhh that makes me feel better.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
From State...with love
Two Liberty athletics teams will spend their Valentine's Day competeing for state titles. Both the wrestling team and the Lady Jays Swim and Dive Team will miss out on this Friday's Courtwarming festivities to compete at their respective state tournaments, but hopefully their hard work will pay off. When you are with your sweetheart tomorrow night or at the dance on Saturday don't forget to root for the Jays.
Get ready for the Liberty Courtwarming Game this Friday night. Coming off an incredible win against Oak Park on Tuesday for the Conference Championship the Liberty Men's Basketball team should have another great show in store for Bluejay Fans as they take on the William Chrisman Bears. Don't miss the fun and remember that your 2008 Courtwarming King and Queen will be announced during half time. WE ARE THE BLUEJAYS CAW CAW!
Mock Trial Regional Champions
The Liberty Mock Trial teams competed in the Kansas City regional competition last night, and swept the championship with an undefeated record. The Jays stomped Blue Springs South in a hotly contested final round. As regional champions the team is headed to the state competition set for late March. Congratulations to the Mock Trial team and GO JAYS!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Courtwarming Spirit Days
TUESDAY: ICE ICE BABY (wear your bling)
WEDNESDAY: BABY IT'S COLD OUTSIDE (wear your winter gear)
Courtwarming Dance Saturday, February 16th 8:30-11:30 LHS GYM
TUESDAY: ICE ICE BABY (wear your bling)
WEDNESDAY: BABY IT'S COLD OUTSIDE (wear your winter gear)
Courtwarming Dance Saturday, February 16th 8:30-11:30 LHS GYM
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